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Be STILL my the midst of this organized Chaos.

We are moving into a New Year.

Everything in our lives is moving so fast paced, so hectic, so noisy......and what we seem to be doing daily is spending our time managing our chaos.

At the same time so many of us are feeling a deep seated need to simply be silent, and to be still.

For so much has been happening this last year and in past years. There's an ever increasing pace at which we feel the need to keep up with. Stay tuned into. Plug into and be present with everyone and evrything else.

There's such an ever increasing pace at which life is, pardon me for saying, assulting us.

Those of us who are intuitive and sensitive have been feeling assaulted by all this chatter, audio and visual media debris. This is nothing new.

In years past I've always abhorred the 'noise'of it all.

Recently my friend did a spiritual reading for me and his guidance was astounding to me. It struck a chord deep within....that's when you know its right.

Instead of labeling this noise as a pain in our buttocks, hard for our ears to hear it, see it in another way. Turn it around.

Regard it more than noise and chatter but as the hum of humankind.

Look for and

ind it's deeper roots, use it to springboard into a meditative and spiritual place. A place of calm and stillness.

There you will be guided to feel and hear its rhythms, see its undulating cacophony.

Until you find it's peace. And there you will find its calm, and hopefully the messages will come forth for you. Be patient. Be still.

I for one am working with the chatter, noise and media debris, and realizing there is a hum and a flow below it's surface.

This is where we all will be able to hear the rhythms of our Earth, and of our Civilization.

We will be still. We will be able to find the center of the noise and have compassion and see and hear the noise not as chatter or as disturbing, but as the murmurs of our Life, our Planet, its heartbeat.

This is my hope and best wishes for myself and for all of you.

To find our stillness- our Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards all humankind.

In reality we don’t even know what to pray for. For we don’t know the language that would make our prayers a reality.I have reflected deeply on this. When words of power that serve your intention, do not come, be still silent, and let

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