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Visual Poultice making and the magic of Turmeric roots

This is my discovery and I want to share it with you for your healing journey.

I was in a reading and my guides showed me how to make this poultice to help clear out some negative defects and negative inpacts his life had taken on, for my client's overall healing.

Poul·tice /ˈpōltəs/ noun 1. "a soft, moist mass of material, typically of plant material or flour, applied to the body to relieve soreness and inflammation and kept in place with a cloth."

I was guided through an easy process to gather herbs more {based on color} than seemingly beneficial.

Which lead me to the tenet that flowers and herbs attract us initially through their signature colors. Then their scents.

Their color possesses deep healing benefits for us.

For example Turmeric, turmeric has its rich yellowy orange rich hues. I was guided to use this in this specific poultice for my .

Turmeric then guided me to the seemingly endless ways in which it can stain your hands and countertops when working with it. While chopping up for use in juicing, baking, cooking, etc. Which is as it turns out an additional benefit of its gift of healing for us. The residual staining continues to remind us

and guides us to a place of healing.

Through the actual physical alchemical properties left on our skin and the visual impact it leaves with its staining. They both have their subtle healing benefits. Interesting indeed.

Meanwhile I'm gathering plants and herbs to use in this imaginary poultice I'm making for my client.

I tell him how many inches of cheescloth or gause he should get. How many minutes to place it on the affected area. How he should elevate his leg during the 'treatment'. And what protocols to follow afterwards, including the procedure to seek out a hot bath or mineral hot springs. Specific directions and times to follow up with his 'Visual Poultice' treatments.

In being guided to utilize vivid imagery and specific poultice directions. I found a symmetry in movement with using the color coded herbs and flowers. In such a precise way of energetic healing for us humans.

Such a gift of 'light' shone in my head.

This breakthrough in using my

'Visual Poultice' concept is one where the matter at hand is to heal, erradicate or dispose of negative memories, and their rediual physical effects.

Is effortless.

Let me state that again, it can be effortless!

It might be helpful in dissolving calcifications on the bones. Which in this case were memories, situations that happened decades ago. Continual bumping, bruising, and getting knocked on physically and emotionally. To a point of creating pain, discomfort and limiting mobility for my client.

All this could be reversed with using a 'Visual Poultice'!

No lengthy therapy, no more ' thinking about it', reliving the past. There is a simpler way to erradicate the memories stored, remove the physical calcifications, and easily move past pain for ultimate healing on many levels simultaneously.

With a simple 'Visual Poultice'.

Yahoo- a breakthrough for all of us.

So says the beautifully staining Turmeric root.

Go forth with Peace in your heart and stillness in your thoughts. Thanks for taking a moment to take this initiative to honor yourself

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